So there is a bill, HR 5034 which is essentially trying to block our right to get w
That's right, say bye bye to your favorite wine shipments from California or elsewhere. Basically, the bill is from the middle-men/wine distributors who are worried they are going to lose their cut of the action if wineries ship direct to us at lower prices. This bill removes the ability of individuals to challenge state law regarding regulation of alcohol, even if that state law is in conflict with federal law. So states have absolute rule and if you live in a state that isn't alcohol-friendly (oh, like my state of Georgia), you have no recourse because you can't take your issue to Washington.
To quote the site that I'm about to send you to so you can send a note to your congressperson Free the Grapes:
HR 5034 is bad for consumer choice, bad for the nation's 6,700 wineries as well as its breweries and distilleries.
Please convey your opposition today.
Click here for an easy way to protest this erosion of consumer rights. If you scroll to the bottom and fill out your info, they will fax a message to all your congresspeople on your behalf letting them know you think this bill is crap.
Thanks and I'll keep you posted!
Please convey your opposition today.
Click here for an easy way to protest this erosion of consumer rights. If you scroll to the bottom and fill out your info, they will fax a message to all your congresspeople on your behalf letting them know you think this bill is crap.
Thanks and I'll keep you posted!