Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Now a Certified Sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers! Thanks To All!

I had a great moment yesterday. After much study and tasting and tableside practice, I passed my Certified Sommelier Exam through the Court of Master Sommeliers. It was a tough exam and tough day, but with a little bit of deep breathing, a good dose of studying, and a HUGE bunch of support from my wonderful husband, M.C. Ice, my family, and all my fabulous friends, I did it!

I feel great and am better for having studied more. The blog only gets better the more I study, I think. I hope you agree!

Thanks so much for reading and passing the blog on to other friends. Readership keeps getting stronger and I'm completely honored and humbled that you think enough of the blog to keep coming back!

A million thanks to you all!


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