Monday, April 18, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 14, Organic, Biodynamic, and Sustainable Wines - Do you care?

Ok, even if you don't care, it's still important to know the difference between "organic", "biodynamic", or "sustainable" on a wine label because they seem to be the terms du jour these days. Everyone from wine shops to wineries to wine nerds throw around these fashionable terms and it's good to know the differences between them.

In this episode, we define these terms and explain the differences, and maybe get just a little snarky about some of the marketing BS behind things.

WARNING too...I did use a few naughty words in this episode, so please don't listen with the kids in the car...

And some deets on the show...

  • Shout-outs - Some great Twitter replies, comments on the blog, iTunes reviews, and Facebook posts
  • Main Topic - Organic, Biodynamic, and Sustainable Wines
    1. Sustainable - Not certified... but maybe it should be
    2. Organic - A certification for certain winegrowing practices
    3. Biodynamic - Definitely some weird science going on - a must listen!
  • Let Us Know (on Facebook) - Does "organic", "biodynamic", or "sustainable" matter to you?
  • Grape of the Week - Grüner Veltliner (GROO-nah velt-LEEN-ah)
  • Next Week - Terroir and Pinot Noir -- How the grape is different around the world!
Also to follow up on some things we mentioned... Here's the post on which this 'cast is based: Organic/Biodynamic Wines And some great recent vintages for Grüner...2006 and 2007 were outstanding, 2008 and 2009 were pretty darn good. Try to find out what the style of the wine is before you buy it -- fruity v. peppery and buy accordingly. And as I said in the 'cast, don't give up on it. You may need to kiss a few frogs before you find your Grüner prince!

Here's the link:

Ep 014 Organic, Biodynamic, and Sustainable Wines - Do you care?

To listen, download the podcast from the iTunes store (and if you like it please add a comment or rate it so we can make sure to stay on the radar, which helps other folks find us easily that would be great!), click the link above, or use the player below! Thanks for listening!


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