Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wine Shopping with Wine For Normal People in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution

I posted this on Facebook but forgot to post it here, so here I go!

I was so fortunate to be featured last week in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution Online (and get a blurb in the Food pages of the physical paper too!). Jenny Turknett is a wonderful writer and did a very fun piece that featured tips on my view on how to break down a wine shop to make it all digestible and easy. It goes along with the podcast from a few weeks back, so if you liked that, this is just more of the same, but in writing!

Here's the link:

Wine shopping 101 at ‘Atlanta’s best kept secret’

Jenny Turknett, Southern and Neighborhood Fare

Jenny Turknett, Southern and Neighborhood Fare

Also, as a shameless plug, if you're in Atlanta or have a budget for travel and are interested in having me at your next event please contact me at elizabeth(at)winefornormalpeople(dot)com!


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