In my line of work, I hear it all. People spout alleged facts about wine left and right and it's hard to tell what's truth and what's fiction. We could go on and on, but this week Rick and I debunk the top 7 myths of the wine world.
Here are the show notes...
We start with a few shoutouts to awesome reviews on iTunes for the show! Amazing stuff!
A new and fabulous piece of "old school" technology for the Wine For Normal People Podcast... Call us!!! 800-599-8478 (in the U.S.) or 1-415-226-9105 and dial extension 5 to leave your question for the Wine For Normal People Podcast, and we will play it on the show!
- Listener Question - from Brandy in the UK about food and wine pairing
- Main Topic - Top 7 Wine Myths DEBUNKED! We cover these topics:
- Flavors in Wine
- Aging Wines
- Expensive Wines
- French Wine
- Cigars & Wine (controversial and I'm sure some of you will hate me for my view)
- High Scoring Wines (and Wine Critics)
- Screw Caps (vs. Corks)
- Grape of the Week - Tempranillo
And a special and amazing thanks to Sean Amann for creating an awesome intro for Grape of the Week!! If you want to submit your version or any other music or stuff for the show, drop me an email at elizabeth(at)winefornormalpeople(dot)com and we'll put it on the air!
Please comment on the Facebook Page and if you haven't done so already please review us on iTunes and we'll give you a shout out!
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