Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The inscrutable L’Insolite

Maybe the cold I had before Christmas has taken the edge off my palate but if I’d tasted Thierry Germain’s L’Insolite 2008 blind I’d have placed it as a Sauvignon rather than a Chenin Blanc. On the other hand I didn’t have any problems getting the typically Gamay flavours of the Lapierre Beaujolais on Christmas Day so maybe it is an oddball.

It’s delicious anyway. Intensely crisp and citrussy (lemon, grapefruit) on first opening the bottle - hence why I thought it was Sauvignon - slightly more peachy once carafed but certainly not in the same flavour register as the Montlouis I’ve been tasting recently. Which is not surprising given it’s a Saumur Blanc. It would be interesting to see what it’s like in a few years’ time.

I actually think I like it more than his much-feted Saumur Champigny which is probably a heretical point of view.

Incidentally check out his website which has an amazing opening operatic sequence. I found in the press clips that someone had paired it (L'insolite) with Epoisses which would also be interesting to try. (We drank it with smoked salmon.)

Anyone else tasted it and have a view?


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