Monday, June 13, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio : Episode 018 The Grape Mini-Series: Merlot

This week we talk about the Goldilocks of red wine -- Merlot. The crowd pleaser of the reds, this versatile grape has a style for just about everyone. There are haters out there, but keep in mind, this is a main grape of Bordeaux and is responsible for one of the finest, most expensive wines in the world from deserves some respect!

Show notes:

Shoutouts to friends on Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, and commenters on email (elizabeth(at) winefornormalpeople (dot)com) and on the blog

Main Topic: Merlot (yes, the "t" is silent)

  • The Goldilocks wine -- medium and great because of it!
  • Descriptions of different styles of Merlot and why some of it is kind of bad and some is outstanding
  • Merlot's relationship with Cabernet Sauvignon
  • A bit of background on this lovely grape -- where it came from
  • Growing regions and styles: France (Bordeaux), Italy, the Baltic states, New Zealand, Australia, and US (Washington State and CA)
  • A little on food pairing
  • Prestigious producers of Merlot
Click here or download the 'cast below...

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Thanks for listening!


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