Monday, June 1, 2009

Joseph Drouhin Laforet Pinot Noir -- $14 Nectar of the Gods

How can this wine be so freakin' good? I seriously could not get enough of it. If you like Cali Pinots, caveat emptor. If you've got an open mind, for $14 this wine can rock your world as it did mine.

The Wine: Laforet
Grape: Pinot Noir
Vintage: 2006
Price: $13.99 in Atlanta

Where It's From:
Burgundy in France (wine snoots -- Appellation Bourgogne Controllee)

Normal Description:
A little browned and light around the edge, it looked like maybe the oxygen had seeped in and I was worried that the wine may taste old (although its got a screw cap, so that usually prevents spoilage). I was totally wrong. It had this sour cherry character and there was some barnyard/game/what wine snots call brett (it's this bacteria that leads to a band-aid smell and taste, which sounds so freaking disgusting but is actually pretty delish). I loved that it was smooth but still kind of acidic and that it had this awesome sour cherry and spice flavor as it went down.

Got snap or is it crap?: I really don't even need to say that much more. I love this wine. Here's a case where the wine definitely lived up to the negociant's name (this is like the middle man between the farmer and the consumer. The definition varies, but in this case the wine maker and importer), Joseph Drouhin. SO worth the $$$. This is the closest I'm going to get to great Pinot until I hit the lottery...Let me know what you think about this one, friends. Would love to hear from you.


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