Monday, June 8, 2009

The S is for Supah...the U is for...

If you're old like me you totally will get this reference...if not...

The Wine: Unique
Grape: Sauvignon Blanc
Vintage: 2006
Price: $11.99 in Atlanta

Where It's From:
Loire Valley in France (wine snoots -- appellation is Vin de Pays du Jardin)

Normal Description:
It was super light in color and it smelled pretty good. Loire wines usually have a lemony-lime quality and this one was on the money. I smelled mustard too (the plant, not the kind you get on your Subway footlong). I'm not gonna lie, my Francophile self was excited to get into this glass...and then...BLAH! Totally non-descript. Just some light floral notes and a boatload of CO2 to give it spritz and cover up the fact that there is no flavor. LAME.

Got snap or is it crap?: Pretty high on the crapometer, to be honest. This wine is FAR from Supersonic and not even touching Unique. I'm kind of bummed that Unique was such a snoozer and had none of that zing I like in my SB. On imports, I sometimes look at the importer to make sure some dude with one tooth didn't decide to import it on his tugboat. This one is Kermit Lynch, who's a pretty reputable importer. But, sorry Kermie -- if I were Miss Piggy you'd be a single dude now.


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