Monday, July 26, 2010

My Voice of Dissent on Riedel in and the Normal People's Guide to Glassware

I'm not a fan of confusion or complexity in wine...or glassware.

Please check out this article where I discussed the issue with the lovely and talented Nancy Parode (I'm quoted on Page 2). Following in the footsteps of my dad, and oft quoted and controversial education specialist, I am, of course, the voice of dissent in this otherwise very positive view of Riedel stemware. Check it out... ARTICLE:

In my world, I think you need 3 types of glasses (4 if you're really into wine):
1. A white glass that tapers at the top to concentrate aromas and deliver them better to your snout.

2. A red glass that has a big bowl and a wide rim so you can aerate that puppy and unlock the aromas in the glass with a good swirl.

3. A Champagne flute if you drink bubbles. The narrowness of the glass preserves the bubbles and concentrates the luscious scents.

The 4th optional choice -- if you are really into red wine, you could get a big ass Bordeaux glass to allow for in-glass decanting and full aeration, but it's not really necessary...the Burgundy glass will work fine as long as you swirl well.

It shouldn't be that complicated. I mean, who among us has more room than they know what to do with in his/her kitchen? Few, I think. We certainly don't need separate glasses for everything we drink, as some may tell you.

Purchase good quality glass and stick to 3 shapes.

Now you're good to go.


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