Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Le Domaine du Moulin Pivoine 2008

As opposed to the last wine I reviewed this is the real deal.

A vin de pays from the Loire (du Loir-et-Cher) from Hervé Villemade it's predominantly Cot (aka Malbec) and 10% Gamay. I'd have said there was more Gamay on tasting it - it had some very bright, clear, pure fruit. A little stinky on the nose but that evaporated.

It's imported by the ubiquitous Caves de Pyrène and costs £11.94 which I think is very reasonable for a wine of this quality.

According the epic Caves de Pyrène list, which I shall save you the trouble of sifting through, Domaine du Moulin is an estate of 25 hectares in Cour-Cheverny which was founded by Hervé’s grandfather in 1939. Hervé took over the estate in 1995 and was influenced both by Thierry Puzelat and Marcel Lapierre to go down the organic path. (There are certainly shades of Lapierre in this wine).

It's fermented with wild yeasts and aged in 30hl oak barrels before bottling with only 2mg of sulphur

Pivoine apparently means peony, a reflection of the vivid colour as well as the taste of the wine. Just charming.


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