Monday, March 14, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 10 What is Terroir? Part 2: Aspects of terroir and why they matter

Ok, so we're a little slow getting this one out (thanks a million to Rick for fitting in time to edit despite being super busy AND having a newborn!), but this week we elaborate more on terroir (teh-RWAH), but we get our hands a little dirty (pun intended) by talking about the importance of location, climate, weather, soil, and other cool stuff that goes into this untranslatable French concept. We also talk about the same Grape of the Week as last week -- Cabernet Sauvignon -- but this time we discuss how it tastes when it's from Bordeaux, to contrast it with Napa's version.

Here it is:

Episode 10 What is Terroir? Part 2: Aspects of terroir and why they matter

Is the topic nerdy? Yeah, but it's so fundamental to getting French wine that we wanted to do a two-parter on it.

I'm devoting this week to Burgundy -- where terroir is arguably more important than anywhere else in the world, so take a listen and then take a read tomorrow...and later in the week, since I'm doing a two-parter in writing too!

Thanks a million for listening and, as always, please leave comments below and I'll answer them as quickly as possible!

Oh, and I know this is completely gratuitous and I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but if you download the 'cast on iTunes and like it, if you could just click on the stars to rate us, we'd so appreciate it. It helps us stay on the radar of people looking for a different kind of wine show -- and since we want to reach as many people as we can, you can aid us in the mission!! Thanks in advance!!!


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