Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Natural wine on the Food Programme

I spent an hour at Terroirs this morning discussing natural wine with Sheila Dillon of The Food Programme and Doug Wregg of Les Caves de Pyrène. I was quite amused when Sheila asked him how she should refer to him and he said sales director. He’s the least pushy salesman you could imagine. Even ‘director’ seems a misnomer.

Anyway you can discover for yourself what we said if you listen to the programme at 12.30 on Sunday or 4pm on Monday on Radio 4 or catch up with it on iPlayer

We also tasted a couple of wines on air - a quite challenging 2007 Don Chisciotte Fiano which just about fell into the orange wine category and a more classic 2004 Roagna Asili Barbaresco. Doug and I disagreed about the former. He thought anyone would be converted by it, I reckoned that you needed to have acquired a taste for natural wine to enjoy it. Shame we won’t have listeners at home with a glass in hand to give us their feedback.


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